Miramichi Hoops Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

A New Season Ready To Begin


The 2016-17 basketball season is just around the corner and Miramichi Hoops have released the details for teams for the upcoming season.

The 2016-17 basketball season is just around the corner and Miramichi Hoops have released the details for teams for the upcoming season.  The U12 girls (2005-2008) will begin tryouts on Saturday October 15th and Sunday October 16th at 1:00 PM at MVHS.  All girls in this age group interested in playing on a team should attend these tryouts. The U12 boys (2005-2008) will also be having tryouts on October 15 and 16 at MVHS.  The U12 tryout for boys will be held from 2:45-4:30 PM.  All boys in this age group interested in playing on a team should attend these two tryouts.  There is a $3 city userfee to attend these tryouts.

The U13 and U14 boys teams will hit the court for the first time on Saturday October 22nd from 1-3 PM at MVHS.  This tryout is for all boys born in 2003 and 2004.  The U13 and U14 ladies will be out for the first time on Saturday October 22nd from 3-5 PM at MVHS.  This is for all girls born in 2003 and 2004.  The $3 city user fee also applies for these tryouts.

The Small Ball program will begin on SaturdayNovember 5th at 2:00 PM at Gretna Green School. Small Ball is for boys and girls born from 2009-2011.  It is an introductory type program focused on skills and fun and runs once each week.  There is no city user fee for Gretna Green.

Please note that there is no preregistration for any Miramichi Hoops programs. Registration will be done by each team or program, The price structure for all Miramichi Hoops programs is as follows: U14 ($100), U13 ($100), U12 ($80), Small Ball ($50) and Spring League ($20). Miramichi Hoops also offers a family rate; full price for one sibling and half price for each additional one.

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