Miramichi Hoops Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

Junior Referee Clinic


There will be a session on Monday October 29th at 6 PM at MVHS for any kids that are interested in becoming a junior referee for basketball.

There will be a session on Monday October 29th at 6 PM at MVHS for any kids that are interested in becoming a junior referee for basketball.  This is for any boys and girls grades 7 and older that would like to become an official and referee games at the younger levels.  There is a cost of $30 registration fee for the course. Once  the course has been taken, they will be eligible to referee elementary, U12, U10 and U8 games.  


Please make checks payable to AABO for registration.  Also, please take the time to read the Introduction to Officiating on the NBAABO website as you will be writing the Junior Officials Exam that evening.  The documents can be found at the address below.




For more information please contact the head of officials for the Miramichi zone Danny Richard at daniel.richard@nbed.nb.ca.  

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