Former Pulamoo In University Champioship Tournaments

2019-02-27 - Pulamoo Girls U12

Tournaments this weekend March 1-3

Four former Mini Pulamoo are in Atlantic University Championship tournaments this weekend
Jillian Harris (Mount Allison), Alana Dowling (St Thomas) Kassidy Hamilton (University of King's College) are at Crandall University for the ACAA tournament     
Bailey Black (University of New Brunswick) will be playing in the AUS Champioships in Halifax     
There were alo four former players from the boys Mini Pulamoo teams  playing ACAA this year. Travis Valanne (St Thomas University)    and Ian Watters,Jacob Vickers, and Zach Miersch all of UNBSJ. UNBSY is also in the ACAA tournament at Crandall